A Madrazo of Fashion; with Paulina+Oscar Madrazo

A Punch of Fashion Written By: Julianna Enciu

We had such a great time announcing our collaboration with The Madrazo Collection this week. Paulina and Oscar share their new line of apparel via Instagram Live showcasing their newest line of Bow Ties, Face Masks and beautiful Pocket Squares that also double as a neck scarf, hair or bag accessory. They have the loveliest personalities and we could not have asked for a better collaboration.

The Madrazo Collection truly is about having fun and making others smile, even during these challenging times. As Face Masks have now limited our ability to showcase our bright smiles, they’re hope that their selection of bold prints can bring a little more colour and joy to ones day.

This collection truly is the perfect pick for upcoming weddings, holidays or to even brighten up a ZOOM Meeting.

And don’t forget, the 100% silk pocket square is multi functional so don't limit yourself to just sticking it in a pocket. Share it with your spouse! All our apparel is original artwork so you can play and manipulate the print to bring out different patterns and pops of colour.

Have Fun. Be Bold, and Stay Famous!


Stylist to the Stars; Liz Nandee